The Kuwaiti Progressive Movement holds the authority responsible for the repeated dissolution of the Kuwaiti Parliament... It calls on the people to unite ranks and not despair... and demands not to restrict freedoms, avoid expanding the issuance of decrees of necessity and ensure the integrity of elections

The Kuwaiti Progressive Movement holds the authority responsible for the repeated dissolution of the Kuwaiti Parliament... It calls on the people to unite ranks and not despair... and demands not to restrict freedoms, avoid expanding the issuance of decrees of necessity and ensure the integrity of elections
Regardless of the details of the justifications that led to the dissolution of the National Assembly, the repeated dissolution of three elected national councils, the annulment of the fourth and the holding of four early parliamentary elections, in addition to the formation of about eight successive ministerial formations and their resignations, and the succession of three prime ministers within a period not exceeding three years and a few months, represent evidence that indicates the depth of the political crisis raging in Kuwait, despite attempts to contain it over the past year and a half through some orientations, decisions and understandings, which could have helped create a state of relative detente and political stability, but it fell into disrepair, primarily due to the government's failure to preserve it، Let the country once again return to the crisis scene, from which it suffered and continues to suffer.
We in the Kuwaiti Progressive Movement believe that the factors that contributed to the creation of the crisis and its aggravation are specifically related to the control of narrow class interests of influential forces, the approach taken by the authority in directing public policies and state administration, the conflicts of competing centers of influence within the authority, the disadvantages of the electoral system based on individualism, the low level of government performance, not to mention the attempts of some parties to fabricate crises and fabricate conflicts.
We also point out that the repeated disregard for the popular will exacerbates the state of frustration, despair and exhaustion among the Kuwaiti people, leads to the dispelling of any hope, albeit illusory, of the possibility of reform, and pushes the country towards the unknown with the risks that this carries.However, despite all this, we do not call for passivity and isolation, but rather we call on the proud Kuwaiti people to exercise patience, insist on adhering to their rights, defend their freedoms and gains; and unite their ranks to stop the continuing deterioration.
We are also in the Kuwaiti Progressive Movement, aware of the shortcomings of the electoral process under the tampered electoral system, the individual nature of candidacy, the limited parliamentary work under the minimal Constitution and the imbalance of power, but despite all this, we do not underestimate the importance of the electoral process and the role of parliamentary work, as part of political work and mass struggle and not as a substitute for it.
In this particular period, it is important to emphasize the following three demands:
First: not to restrict public freedoms, mainly political and media freedoms, especially in election campaigns
Second: not to expand the issuance of decrees with laws during the dissolution period, and to adhere to the constitutional controls when issuing the necessary on the activation of the Electoral Commission to carry out its role specified by law.
Third: holding parliamentary elections on their constitutional date, ensuring their integrity and non-interference in them, and seriously bring action against vote-buying operations and other forms of corruption of accounts and the electoral process.
Kuwait on 15th of February 2024