Kuwaiti Progressive Movement: the Jabalya camp massacre is a new proof of the brutality of the Zionist criminals and their American and Western imperialist partners... and measures must be taken against the countries supporting the aggression and their interests in our country
The new brutal massacre in Jabalya camp today, which claimed the lives of hundreds of martyrs and injured innocent civilians, adds the crime of genocide to the record of war crimes of the usurping Zionist entity with the direct participation and support of the United States of America, Britain, France, Germany and Italy, to carry out a new displacement plot to Sinai, up to the liquidation of the resistance and the Palestinian cause.
At the same time, we condemn the complicity of the normalization regimes and the dependency regimes dominating our Arab countries with the Zionists. We call on all our Arab peoples and their liberation and national forces to take direct and serious action against this criminal Zionist-imperialist alliance and its local agents. It is time for our peoples' voices to rise and mobilize our forces to engage in concrete popular solidarity and struggle with the Palestinian people, their cause and their resistance, and to adopt the only option, which is to link resistance to the Zionists and resistance to the American and Western imperial hegemony imposed on our countries, confront their local agents, and provide various forms of support for the steadfastness of our Arab Palestinian people and supporting the resistance.
Hence, we emphasize what we have already put forward as minimum demands for taking concrete and urgent measures, namely:
1- stop the supply of oil and gas to the countries participating in the aggression.
2- withdrawal of investments of Arab sovereign funds, primarily Kuwaiti, from the United States of America and the rest of the countries participating in the aggression.
3- confiscation and nationalization of branches of foreign companies in our countries that represent the interests of the imperialist countries involved in aggression.
4- boycott of goods imported from the imperialist countries that are partners in the aggression.
5- allocating a serious budget within the state's general budget items to be directed to support the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and resistance, not just sending humanitarian aid alone, and not to deliver support through the discredited Palestinian Authority.
In conclusion, we call on our proud Kuwaiti people to continue their stands of solidarity with our Palestinian people and the resistance forces, to condemn the brutal massacres and condemn the Zionists and their American and Western imperialist partners, and to demand concrete and urgent measures against the criminal protectors of the Zionists and their partners.