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September 2024

The Kuwaiti Progressive Movement: The Brutal Zionist Massacres Target Our Palestinian and Lebanese Brothers Amid the Silence and Complicity of the So-Called "International Community" and the "Official Arab Regimes".

تم النشر بواسطة المكتب الإعلامي
شارك هذا المنشور

The Zionist enemy continues its brutal bloodshed, targeting our Palestinian and Lebanese brothers with blatant support from Western imperialist powers, led by the United States of America, amid a shameful silence, and blatant complicity of what is called the 'international community' and the 'Arab regimes,' particularly the regimes of dependency, subordination, and normalization.

The aggressive bombing of cities and towns in the South, the Bekaa Valley, and the southern suburbs of Beirut is intensifying, leading to the martyrdom of hundreds, the injury of thousands, the destruction of homes, and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Lebanese citizens. Meanwhile, the war of extermination against the Palestinian people in Gaza and other Palestinian areas continues.

While we, in the Kuwaiti Progressive Movement, condemn the heinous Zionist-American aggression and denounce the complicity of the so-called 'international community' and the 'official Arab regimes,' we reiterate our support for the right of the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, and the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance movements, to confront the aggression and respond to it.

We also repeat our call to the Kuwaiti government and civil relief organizations to urgently provide assistance to the health and social organizations in support of the resilience of the Palestinian and Lebanese people, and to treat the wounded victims of Zionist aggression.

Additionally, we call on our Arab peoples, their devoted forces, and the free people of the world to continue and escalate solidarity campaigns with the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples to stop the war of genocide and the bloody massacres being waged by the Zionist enemy and its imperialist supporters.

Kuwait, September 23, 2024.